Saturday, November 1, 2008


Hey guys! Sorry about the no comic yet, it's sort of taken a back seat to all the school work Nick and I have. But worry not, we will have it up before Christmas, I sort of promise.

On a lighter note, I have some new animations done and up on the interweb for all to see! So check those out if you want. After doing that rotoscope one I'm thinking of doing a couple more like it because they're super easy and fun.

Well, I guess that's all for now, hope everyone had an awesome Halloween!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

What Willis was talking about

Ok, so here's a little update. My friend Nick Burgess and I are going to start doing a web comic of sorts. Each of us are doing a separate comic but will both be posting on this blog. I'll hint now that there may be a lot of crossovers from our two comics during the time.

We'll be posting up our first comics in the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned for that! I don't know what our exact update schedules are going to bed, only time will tell.

Well, that's all for now, hopefully someone is actually reading this so I don't seem crazy...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Well, it has to start somewhere.

Starting out this blog thing I suppose. I'm a Sophomore working on a BFA in Animation at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Really loving the whole Animation process so I figured I should start posting updates of my work and such. I have a few things on YouTube that you can find by just looking up "Zoloft Gun" and clicking on the first hand drawn animation you see, it's pretty awful so bear that in mind. I did it Freshman year and it was the first Animation I had ever done, ever.

So far I've only worked with hand drawn animation, doing my own music and sound effects for the most part. It's a very tedious process that I've fallen madly in love with and hope to do for the rest of my sleep deprived life. Everything about it interests me, watching it, drawing it, editing it, cursing it. Up to this point of my life, Animation has been that first thing I've tried that I feel I have a complete and total uninhibited motivation to do. The sky's the limit for this one ladies and gentleman. I just hope I can accomplish all the things I plan to set out and do, because if I could, that would be preeetty friggin' awesome.

But aaaanyway, I don't know how often I'll end up updating this, hopefully with some regularity if I have any sort of dignity. I'll also try to remember to post up things that catch my fancy that I want you all to see, if anyone does in fact start reading this...
g'night all you guys and gals.